7 CBD Oil Myths Busted

7 CBD Oil Myths Busted

When we say that CBD products have gone mainstream, it’s more than just a phrase. CBD brands are constantly coming up with new ways to incorporate CBD oil into consumers’ daily lives.

Most people have welcomed the CBD “revolution” as this natural compound shows enormous potential in pain and anxiety management, among other conditions. However, not everyone is on board yet, and some are reluctant to buy CBD oil products for various reasons.

Even with global acceptance, CBD is still not thoroughly demystified. In this article, we’ll bust the most pervasive myths about CBD and give you an honest depiction of this great natural supplement.

Myth 1 – CBD Will Get You High

The number one reason why some people won’t buy CBD oil is that they think it has a psychoactive effect and may be addictive.

They tend to confuse the idea that CBD oil can make you feel more relaxed by affecting serotonin receptors in your brain with addiction. In fact, CBD has been classified as a novel food and not a drug, so it’s perfectly safe and non-addictive.

Myth 2 – CBD Doesn’t Offer Medical Value

This myth makes plenty of sense in many ways, as the information we’ve been getting about CBD is often unclear. On the one hand, research shows immense potential with chronic back pain and anxiety management.

On the other hand, we’re constantly reminded to take all data with a grain of salt. The truth is that the benefits of CBD are more than anecdotal, but definitive conclusions about its impact are pending.

Myth 3 – CBD Produces Quick Results

The origins of this myth are unclear, but it might be the result of shameless marketing tactics. When you buy pure CBD oil with hopes that it will deliver benefits within a day or two or even a week, you’re in for a rude awakening.

The effectiveness of CBD will depend on many factors. CBD is not a replacement for medicine. Plus, getting the dosage right isn’t always straightforward.

Finally, for some conditions, the positive effects of CBD oil may take months. In any case, it’s always best to talk to a medical professional before giving CBD a try.

Myth 4 – CBD Is a “Cure” for Everything

A potentially dangerous myth is that CBD oil can replace other treatments. Unless unethical CBD brands make these claims, it mainly derives from people having a positive experience with CBD.

Word of mouth recommendations are powerful. But even if someone has had fantastic results with CBD, it doesn’t mean the next person will.

Myth 5 – CBD Has Zero Side Effects

Everything we consume can have side effects, even something as benevolent as vitamins. The same applies to CBD oil which is generally considered extremely safe.

However, first-time users might experience side effects such as headaches, dizziness, sleepiness, diarrhoea, and irritability.

Not only that, but CBD can interact with some medication and lead to the metabolism of the liver slowing down. If you’re taking any medication, consult a medical professional before you buy CBD oil.

Myth 6 – CBD Oil and Hemp Seed Oil Are the Same

As CBD oil is sometimes called hemp oil, this myth is more a matter of semantical confusion. Still, it didn’t stop some marketers from taking advantage of the fact. Both CBD oil and hemp seed oil are made from the same plant, but there is one notable difference.

CBD oil is made from the flowers, leaves, and even the stem of the cannabis plant. Hemp seed oil is made from cold-pressed seeds and has been around much longer. It’s a well-known skincare and cooking supplement.

Myth 7 – CBD Is Just a Marketing Scam

This myth is slowly but surely fading away, but it’s worth busting it a few more times. Wellness is like any other industry – the ultimate goal is to make a profit.

For that reason, you might run into problematic brands and CBD products. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any ethical CBD brands that take considerable pride in what they do. It’s all a matter of doing your due diligence and finding a reliable CBD oil manufacturer.

Extreme Views and CBD Are Not Compatible

It seems that every persistent myth surrounding CBD is about extreme viewpoints. Some will rush to dispute its benefits and call it a scam.

Others will attribute unrealistic benefits. Meanwhile, research is still ongoing, and there is a lot more to learn. Using it for specific conditions can bring relief to many, but it’s always prudent to be careful where you buy CBD oil.