Difference between the effects of CBD and THC

Difference between the effects of CBD and THC

CBD or cannabidiol is deprived of psychoactive properties, is an active component of marijuana itself, you can get profit from it by smoking a joint in the old fashioned way. The main thing is to make sure that a grade with a predominance of this particular substance, rather than THC, is clogged in your joint if you just want to relax and relieve anxiety or pain, and not, as usual, get stuck on the couch, unsuccessfully trying to control paranoia.

The difference between the effects of CBD and THC

Since cannabidiol is not a psychoactive substance, you can’t get high from it, but it’s easy to increase your productivity, relieve anxiety, and relieve pain. When using CBD, thoughts are not confused, memory does not deteriorate, and as a result of muscle relaxation, you do not become a vegetable, as is often the case with smoking cannabis varieties with a predominance of THC.

If the ratio of these substances is approximately the same, then you will find slight euphoric and the above-mentioned beneficial effects at the same time. At the same time, such negative consequences as paranoia, dry mouth, drying out and redness of the eyes, hunger and gluttony, drowsiness, and short-term memory problems, which are often caused by THC, do not occur. Such varieties are most often used as a painkiller.

Although CBD works well alone, some experts still insist that in combination with other active components of marijuana, it brings more benefits:

“To achieve a better therapeutic effect, you need a mix of cannabidiol, THC, and terpenoid phytochemicals,” says a psychiatrist doctor at Harvard Medical School Lester Greenspoon.

However, how exactly this effect is achieved, scientists can not yet say with accuracy. This knowledge gap is caused, first of all, by a lack of research data, since the field of studying the healing properties of hemp is still in its infancy. But the gradual legalization of medical marijuana suggests that scientists will soon have more freedom for their experiments. So hold the fists, hope, and believe.

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